Re:Zero Arc 4 Chapter 73 [Where Weakness Resides] (Part 2/3)


Translator: TranslationChicken


Editor: TranslationChicken

(Thank you Soriosh, HX, Kam for helping me with proofreading on the Livedraft!)




Previous Part 1/3:



[Subaru: ――――]

No words escaped him.
There was nothing he could say.

So near, her light-blue eyes were looking directly into his.
He could drown in the depths of the compassion in those eyes.

[Rem: I love you, Subaru-kun. ――And so, everything is alright]

[Subaru: Th, at’s…… not an answer……]

[Rem: Yes, it is. It’s the reason I’m here. The reason I forgive Subaru-kun. The reason I’m holding you now―― all of it is because of that]

Close enough to feel each other’s breaths, Rem’s smile softly grasped Subaru’s heart like an invisible hand.
He couldn’t move. Not even a twitch. Reaching around his back, her delicate hand clasped onto the hems of his clothes, tightly, tightly, so tightly as if to merge into one, she held him in her embrace.

[Rem: It must have been tough, Subaru-kun]

[Subaru: ――――]

[Rem: All alone, taking all the pain onto yourself…… it must have been hard, Subaru-kun]

[Subaru: ――――hg]

[Rem: You don’t have to bear all that sadness anymore, it’s alright]

With no words to answer her, Subaru desperately tried to keep everything from flooding out, while Rem’s sweet whispers went on.
Gently unravelling his heart, melting away his obstinance.

[Rem: All of Subaru-kun’s pain, grief, and weakness, all of it, Rem will bear it for you]

[Subaru: …………]

[Rem: Everything Subaru-kun wants to protect, to fight for, to accomplish…… leave them all to me]

[Subaru: …………]

[Rem: There’s no need for you to carry every single burden. ――You can leave them all to me. For now, just rest, and go to sleep]

[Subaru: ……I, I]

[Rem: And let me see the Subaru-kun that I love once again]

Rem set her hand against Subaru’s cheek and raised up his face, gazing directly into him.
Her lips tightened, as if with some hesitation, as she drew her face closer.
What was she doing? What would happen next? Even his lagging consciousness could understand.

So close, near enough to feel her breaths, the lovely girl’s lips were approaching.
It’d be fine if they overlapped, intertwined, drowned, melted, and merged with his, wouldn’t it?

――Regardless of right and wrong, she would forgive him, wouldn’t she?

Just how deeply had Rem’s gentle words seeped into Subaru’s heart?
His indeterminate emotions, his soul, agonizing over whether or not to reach for the helping hand, along with the entirety of this Subaru’s existence was once again saved by the girl who knew everything about him.

To this powerless Subaru, Rem extended her hand.
Against this fragile Subaru’s back, Rem added her support.
On this foolish Subaru’s path, Rem took his hand and offered to show him the way.

By so shamelessly, clingingly, relying on her so entirely―― would he be led to the answer at last?
What point is there, in struggling on alone?

Worn to the core, lost without a footing, no longer sure where to turn his steps, perhaps he should, just, give up, everything, and leave it t――

{Giving up is easy}

[Subaru: ――――]


[Subaru: ――――]

{――It doesn’t suit you, Subaru-kun}

He heard a voice saying.

[Rem: ――Subaru-kun?]

Puzzled, Rem asked in front of his eyes.
It was only natural, since just before their lips could meet, a hand was placed between them.

The sweet sensation of entwining tongues that was supposed to have come grew distant, while a wavering, wounded glimmer flickered in Rem’s eyes.
Watching this wavering glint through the gaps between his fingers, Subaru spoke.

[Subaru: ――Who, are you?]

[Rem: Huh――?]

[Subaru: I just asked you. Who are you?]

[Rem: Subaru-kun, why’re y…… asking who, I……]

In front of Subaru’s quiet question, Rem’s throat seemed to choke up, unable to speak.
The faint, wounded color in her eyes deepened, as her expression became marked by grief. No matter what, it tore at Subaru’s heart to see this.
To distract himself from this feeling, he pressed his hand to his chest and bared his teeth.

[Subaru: When I…… was despairing and at the end of my rope, I genuinely wished that someone, anyone, could help me… and when I felt like it was impossible, and was about to give up…… I really wished, that you would come to me]

[Rem: ――――]

[Subaru: If you were there, you would console me, comfort me, while I sat there stuck hugging my knees… I believed that]

[Rem: ――――]

[Subaru: Just like this, you’d listen to my whining, let me spew out all my whimpers, watch me cry until I wring my tears dry……]

[Rem: ――――]

[Subaru: ――And then, you’d tell me to stand up]

The delicate touch of her fingers, the up-close warmth of her skin, and the immensity of her love, Natsuki Subaru remembered with all his body and soul.
And so, he could tell, without a doubt―― that this Rem before his eyes was an impostor.

[Subaru: She would never say “Rest for now”]

[Rem ――――]

[Subaru: She would never say “Give up, and leave it all to me”]

[Rem: ――――]

[Subaru: A girl who loves me, who’s loved by me, who’s kind to me, who’s head over heels for me―― who’s more strict and uncompromising with me than anyone else in this world, THAT is Rem!]

Springing to his feet, Subaru barked as he backed away from the Rem before his eyes.
Still on her knees, Rem looked up to Subaru without a word. Even now, he felt like he could drown in the sadness of her expression that was brought about by his rejection.

[Rem: No you’re wrong. Subaru-kun, listen to me! I… that’s not what I meant. It was just, I couldn’t stand seeing Subaru-kun suffering like this…… that’s why… I just wanted you to forget the pain and get some rest, that’s all!]

[Subaru: I’d let you see my weakness. I’d let you see my frailty. I’d let you see what a hopeless, worthless bastard I am. ――But I would never let you see me giving up]

“Subaru is a hero”, that was what Rem had told him.
And so, Natsuki Subaru had resolved to become Rem’s hero.

Ever since they exchanged that promise, Subaru had decided――
――That in this life, in this world, the only place where Natsuki Subaru would show his weakness, was in front of Rem.

Only in front of Rem, who despite knowing Subaru’s weakness still expected him to be strong, would he expose his own frailty.
Not Emilia, not Beatrice, he would let no one see it except Rem.

[Subaru: My weakness belongs to Rem. She accepts and shields my weakness, and in exchange, I will hold down any thoughts of giving up, and never let it out]

[Rem: ――――]

[Subaru: So fuck off, you fake. ――And don’t fucking coddle me wearing my Rem’s face and voice!]

Firmly declaring this, Subaru jabbed out his fist at Rem―― at the impostor.




Next Part 3/3:


I’m trying to fix my jet lag… >_<

It’s not going well… I’m going back to bed for a bit

Let me know if you find any typos!! ❤


Chapter 73 Live Draft:


Next Part 3/3:

121 thoughts on “Re:Zero Arc 4 Chapter 73 [Where Weakness Resides] (Part 2/3)

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        1. Excuse me, can you please sit still there and don’t move for a while?

          -anonymous (not CIA) ( nor the Witch)


      1. I wouldve made it too if there wasnt my headache that called out to me, saying: if u turn your phone on rn, imma literally kill u. I still gave in

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Ive waited quite a while for the imposter to show up. Even tho she’s fake, she still reminds me of rem. Its already nostalgic, lol. Rem should hurry up before she’s like history to me xd

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I know through years of traveling experience: the only way to beat jet lag is to not give in to the desire to sleep, you have you fight it.


  3. Strict? Uncompromising? Rem? Subaru did you knock your head? There’s not a strict uncompromising bone in her body so stop lying. That being said the impostor slipped up but still his argument is bs but whatever. The rest of the Rem sheep fell for the fake last chapter so hahahaha your precious angel was a lie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my, so much hate for the best girl… tsk tsk tsk.

      Maybe you really should re:watch ep18. Back then Rem really was the only single person in that world who didn’t allow Subaru to give up and run away.

      Liked by 3 people

        1. Dude. I don’t care if you hate Rem or whatever, but that’s just straight up inaccurate. How the fuck did she pamper him? Do you even understand the definition of “pampering”?


          1. Also I’m pretty sure people were calling out the impostor all over the comments in the last chapter, so yeah


    2. Can y’all shut your trappers? None of you are right. Not Ainz and not you guys either. Ainz hate towards Rem is incredibly misplaced but it is understandable, Remfags have made any attempt at admiring her character impossible when all you ever do is cussing against Emilia with hate instead of just loving your own best girl. Stop barking at the man for having a different opinion than yours, unless you guys are literally trying to sound like Rem cultists or something.
      On another note, I don’t see it out of Rem’s character to act just the way this “impostor” has acted in this chapter, people are not fluctuated by words, but by feelings realistically speaking. There isn’t one person in the world who hasn’t changed their minds about anything after a while they’ve done something, it’s not out of her character to say something out of worry for Subaru. Subaru having reached to that conclusion was indeed a stretch of logic but I guess since the Web Novel story format is a style strictly based in literature, I suppose it would define the entirety of the layers of the characters wit facts that are derived from words alone. I don’t have enough experience with other works to make a possible comparison that would write Subaru’s character in a better way if it was done by someone else instead so I’ll blame it on the format.

      Y’all need to calm your tits down, let the man have his opinion. You guys are always talking shit about Emilia’s character too and nobody bats an eye.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Regarding your second paragraph about Rem’s character, im not sure I agree.

        Words are so much more powerful than feelings. If the opposite were true, people wouldn’t seek validation through words regarding emotions. The words the imposter used we’re honey-laden enough to make any man’s will bend, the difference being Subaru’s mental state at this point.

        Calling the bluff probably was the opposite of the desired outcome of this ploy. If Subaru can easily spot the difference due to his unwavering affection for Rem, especially regarding the “hero” phrase she used earlier, then words had a much deeper impact in relation to his feelings for her.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. This is not Emilia VS Rem holywar here. There’s always more than one way to voice one’s opinion without being toxic.


      3. It’s not his opinion. It’s fact that Rem is the strictest with him, or are you trying to say that the author is lying now? That fake Rem did a pretty good job and it would have been boring if she didn’t but she fucked up by telling Subaru to give upm he probably wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. I think the purpose of that chapter was to shut up people like Ainz who got the wrong imprssion of Rem and make people question Subaru’s feelings for Emiia once again.


    3. maybe you should go back to the shit novel overlord, when Re:Zero is hard for you to undertand, Rem is the only one who is strict to him read arc 3 of the novel or the short stories and Tappei the author stated in a Q&A that Rem is the strictes person in emilia camp


      1. Lord Ains, who is best girl? *My list from top to bottom is Ram, Felix, Emilia, Patrasche, Blue-Ram, and albedo.


    1. Silly Bloxie, HEs don’t drown, they’re maltreated. Though if the percussion cap and or chemical delay were to get wet it may not function properly. In a way, you could drown one, but, its certainly not the same.



  4. I think I know why you haven’t translated the newest chapters yet.
    Do you know what’s at to happen in the next few chapters, Chicken-Sama?


  5. Thanks a lot, Chicken! My way to get over jet lag is sleeping, like, a lot. Sleep for up to 16 hours until you wake up at 7a.m. or so.

    So, the plot. Echidona has a wicked sense of humor, imo. Maybe she didn’t think Subaru would see through the illusion, but I believe she just didn’t care for the result, since both outcomes would amuse her.

    And, a rather touching revelation from Subaru, about his weakness. In the end, he just wants to be understood and accepted as is. But doesn’t this imply he would never be his real self when with Emilia? Always wearing his Big Damn Hero mask?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. To me, nothing is wrong with that. Emilia is already as fragile as she is.

      She needs someone to be her unwavering, solid strong support. And that’s Subaru.

      So, when Subaru is at his limit, that’s when Rem comes in.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. But what does that say about his true feelings for Emilia? I feel that Subaru’s immaturity in this regard and little annoying, but that’s for him to grow into.


        1. Except you’re forgetting Rem actually believes Subaru is really a hero. It’s not just a mask. His feelings for Emilia aren’t fake (and he’s terrible at hiding his weakness from her anyway) that’s entire reason what be rock for her that Rem is for him. Just because he cam confide in this weakness with her easier others doesn’t mean he can just wants be sloppy mess. Emilia is tradding down a difficult path he often feels he not up task because he views himself as loser who has nothing to offer her except his feelings.

          If all he sought was just somebody to comfort him rather than to be needed than he would not be Emilia’s faction right now.


          1. >Except you’re forgetting Rem actually believes Subaru is really a hero

            What are you talking about? Subaru is Rem’s hero, not everyone’s hero. Note the difference or read from zero again. Rem isn’t delusional about him, she knows he’s weak and fragile but she also knows that he can be strong and be better than he thinks he is. He is her hero for saving her from herself and not because she thinks that he can say the world or some bullshit you believe. Here’s also the difference in Emilia and Rem, Emilia will believe that Subaru is some superhero while Rem knows the truth.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. >She needs someone to be her unwavering, solid strong support.

        And when her support leaves her she breaks, and will it be chapter 65 all over again.
        Isn’t it kind of wrong? I don’t mean supporting someone is wrong, but Emilia wants to become the king. If she is fragile, she needs to be tempered and become stronger, not trust all her weight on a single support.

        Besides, it makes me feel bad for Emilia. Rem gets the real awesome Subaru, and Emilia – only his cool persona?


        1. “Rem gets the real awesome Subaru, and Emilia – only his cool persona?”

          Neither of things exist without Emilia being the picture though. She is what motivates him for that. Rem picks him when he falter from that path. IIRC, Rem is partly jealous at how happy he is with her and wants him to look at her like that. Emilia already seen him breakdown more than once anyway, so not like she unaware how frail she is.


          1. Well, after reading the YenPress translation of arc 3, I can tell, Rem is quite jelly about S/E.)) Anime didn’t show how bold she got after ep.18, openly suggesting polygamy and saying she would talk Emilia into it.
            This sounds weird, but “Subaru that loves Emilia” is what Rem loves the most. Or so it appears, if you take all they said literally. Personally, I’m all for that threesome.))

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Yep. Even a in later arc Subaru repeats that he loves them both, but differently becasue they bring out a different aspect of him.


          3. >IIRC, Rem is partly jealous at how happy he is with her and wants him to look at her like that.

            Of course she is, who wouldn’t be jealous? Emilia is also jealous of how close Rem and Subaru are.

            >Emilia already seen him breakdown more than once anyway, so not like she unaware how frail she is.

            True and yet he needs to put on a mask for her? It’s pretty stupid and immature. Subaru and Rem manage to support each other and be open with each other but Subaru can’t do that with Emilia for some reason. Really maked me question his feelings for her.


          4. Episode 13 of the anime. Showing her a glimpse of his true self didn’t go so well.
            I think the problem was Emilia’s feelings for him. And I wonder if she can support anyone in her current state.


  6. Hmm.. So did Camilla take Subaru’s first kiss or not? There’s somewhat about entwining tongues.. and Subaru was watching at her through fingers.. i haven’t understood what was happening at that moment.. Can you explain me?
    Sorry for any typos that can be here


  7. 👏👏👏😆
    Yes my boi saw it, thank god I was about to have a rage fitt if he fell for that illusion.
    Dona low-key a sadist immoral peasant…still like her tho.
    Still wondering how will Subs beat this headache of a prb

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If only the fake would understand, the only reason Subaru loves Rem even when he has Emilia, is because Rem keeps supporting him to try harder and sees him as a man who could do anything.

    The only thing the fake Rem needs to say to be like the original, after consoling Subaru, is change the words at the end to something like, “That’s why I know you can do it, Subaru-kun, you are my hero.”


    1. Too bad Camilla can’t read into Subaru’s heart the way the trials can, and lacks the Memories of the World that Dona-Dona has. Otherwise, Subaru may have succumbed to illusion of the Witch and made out with her. Not that I’d complain if that would have happened. 😉


      1. I’m not sure that Subaru would have made it out of there if he did make out with the Witch of Lust. We don’t even know what her Authority is just yet.


        1. I hope it’s not some magical AIDS or STDs. Besides, how did Camilla know anything about Rem or their relationships? If she read his mind, shouldn’t she know what he wants to hear?
          Wait… So, suppose she knows what he wants to hear, but that’s not what the Real Thing would say? Damn, too deep.


          1. “Too deep” That’s what Camilla would’ve said if this progressed any further!


  9. Thanks for the chapter, Chicken…
    This is an april fool’s chapter. In the real chapter, Subaru actually gives up. When will you release the real chapter? w*
    I was expecting a better Rem imitation from a witch. That, or she did it on purpose. In the end, Subaru switched from despairing to shouting at a faker.


  10. He felt like could drown in the depths of the compassion in those eyes.

    Isn’t a “he” missing between like and could? Im not sure though


  11. This Rem hate is so dumb. You all act like she isn’t a great character because of your dumb biases. Please act like you care about the story.

    I hate waifu culture. This is why it is cancerous and does a great disservice to anime and stories in general. Your dislike isn’t even justified.


    1. Also, I’ve spotted a typo, however minor.

      “-that this Rem before his eyes is an impostor.”

      It should be Imposter, if I’m not mistaken.


  12. This trial really isn’t that bad compared to the first, they should’ve showed him the scene where Rem and Crusch lost to Gluttony archbishop, watching what he actually failed to stop would’ve been more painful.


    1. I agree. But thats apart of the current timelines history, as it was the previous few. Echidna, or the mechanism(whichever), used these instances because it most likely intrigues Echidna. Using these visions in particular shows Echidna things otherwise impercievable, and these instances show the “outcomes” of Emilia’s state of being. Using Emilia here is most likely going to cut Subaru deeper than the one instance of Rem being hurt by Gluttony.


      1. I’m not sure the point of the trial was to hurt Subaru. Dona said something about the trial being an easy one, and it was Subaru who complicated things. Shouldn’t he be glad he avoided all those Dad Ends? But no, lets have a tantrum and wallow in self-pity.
        He really needs a Rem to slap that whiny bitch ass.


          1. From what i can tell, Envy is really the only evil witch, some are passively deadly but mainly don’t seem to really mean to harm anyone. It’s only because Envy is the only one alive that witch=evil is accurate.


          2. reply to phatam i am not sure you can really say echi is good i mean setting things up with experimenting as her main motivator with the end results mostly having good results. its just she is not actively looking for the absolute best route with the fewest causalities she seems to be purposely taking things on a path that entertains her curiosity the most…not whats really best. if a path has 0 deaths but is predictable and another the goal is satisfied but has complications and a high chance of mortality she will take the second one. i would call her a necessary evil to combat satel but if the witches are not around i would kill echi too.


  13. “On this foolish Subaru’s path, Rem took his hand and offered to show him the way”…………… so, Rem knoes de wae!


  14. First of all, happy easter chicken-sama.
    Second of all, this is second time a ruined lovely dovey part after corrupted Emilia (or third, got kissed before dead).


  15. Hey Chicken!
    Happy easter and thank you for this part!!
    Love ya to da moon & back, the notification made my sunday to be a funday


  16. I have really mix feelings about this now… Even though that was an impostor Rem, dang she still did great. Now, I miss Rem more and more. And Subaru saying ‘my Rem’ was really a good moment ^^
    This trial sure is really difficult for Subaru.. 😦 Hope that he doesn’t suffer this much on the 3rd trial, regarding the future.


  17. Lets give our boy Subaru a BIG round of applause for not only resisting but for calling out the fake!! “So fuck off, you fake” BUUUUURRRRNNN!!

    No fake could ever match Rem.

    Thank a bunch Chicken. Sorry to hear about your jet lag. I recomend taking short strolls around your local park. It always helps me ; )


  18. I swear, Subaru is gonna dropped the hottest burn on these witches.

    He’s gonna roast them like the witche’s of Salem.



  19. Chicken, I’m looking forward to the next few chapters.
    If you like chapter 65 then you’ll love everything that’s coming next.


  20. I’m worried knowing chicken having a jet lag. For a human it is one thing, but for a chicken… Welp. Get better soon, chicken~

    Thanks for keep working even when u weren’t feeling well.


  21. just binged all of this over the span of 3 days after finishing the anime. sadly, i can’t support you on patreon, but do know that you’re doing an amazing job, and i thank you sincerely. keep up the great work!


  22. As a Chinese, I sometimes visit Reddit and r/Re_zero , following how English translation goes (although the Chinese translation of arc 4,5,6 are almost done), just as a personal interest. No matter which forum, from which country, I always see the same trolls and waifu wars. Interesting that some “keyboard critics” blame specific character without even understanding the character, lol.


  23. Off topic…
    Which is more worth fake or real?
    This question is explained in the conversation between araragi and kagenui in nisemonogatari….well the whole last fight….


  24. This is so much more than I have ever expected. Subaru, I am really proud of you… this is true love. So I was right, this is not Rem, but I still loved reading her words.
    Thanks for the translations!


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